For Professionals

Training Centre
HHAS work with Hertfordshire County Council Workforce Development team to provide short courses for front-line care staff.
- Introduction to - Deaf Awareness Training
- Introduction to - British Sign Language Training
- Introduction to - Living well with hearing loss
HHAS work with Hertfordshire Care Providers Association, HCPA, to provide practical courses for care home and front-line care staff.
- Hearing Aider - Supporting residents with their NHS hearing aids.
Primary Care
HHAS works with Hertfordshire Care Navigator Partnership and HertsHelp to provide specialist services:
- GP Link Workers
- Community Sensory Link Worker
NHS Audiology and Local Authorities
We can work with audiology, county councils and London Boroughs who are interested in piloting and commissioning a Hearing Advisory Service.
Hearing Advisory Services are welcomed by both residents who use NHS hearing aids, and the audiology departments who dispensed the aids; we are a reliable point of referral for post-dispensing support. Our community based services provide care closer to home, free at the point of delivery, and take pressure off the local hospital estate with regards car parking, and on the audiology staff.
HHAS works with colleagues at a county level to contribute to Joint Strategic Needs Assessments, and nationally, to Government guidance.
Voluntary, Charity, Social, Faith and Enterprise, VCSFE
@accessherts is the name of our Deaf Services Team. We support the Deaf Clubs in and around Hertfordshire.
- Aylesbury
- Hertford
- Watford
- Welwyn Garden City
HHAS works closely with other care sector organisations:
- Herts Vision Loss
- Sight Concern Bedfordshire
- HertsHelp